
Support for Google Chrome on Mac

ahertel opened this issue · 3 comments

Adding this because a reddit user asked for Google Chrome support on Mac, because their Safari doesn't work. I figured this was a one-off situation but just in case I'm posting this hear in case other have issues with their Safari.

For now, I am not going to spend time on adding Chrome support for Mac for now because I've been really swamped by all the questions and more commonly requested functionality additions. If more people share that they have a need for Chrome support for Mac, I'll work on it.

In the mean time, doing a find and replace in the Script Editor on the script, replacing the word "Safari" with "Google Chrome" might work. But often times the AppleScript syntax to control Chrome is slightly different so I'm doubtful.

You can also try pcomputo's tool. It requires more technical knowledge to set up, and doesn't have as many features as this tool, but it runs in Chrome! Also check out Auto Refresh Plus

Also check my repo here. It has SMS notifications, auto-checkout, and you can specify time slot preferences.

I haven't tested on anything but Whole Foods in the DC area, but the config is designed to be mostly swappable; would love to build this out for Amazon Fresh, other regions, etc.

Great work here btw - definitely the coolest AppleScript project I've seen in a while! (and excellent use of the Sosumi alert. It is far and away the best choice)

I built a Google Chrome extension that works on both Mac and Windows. Check it out here. Let me know if you have any questions.

I built a version that runs on Windows, Mac and multiple browsers. Check it out here.