
Minimized window appears as Prime, not Prime Now

jennyeckers opened this issue · 2 comments

The window that is minimized and keeps refreshing appears as a regular Amazon Prime shopping window with an empty cart, and not my check out window in Amazon PrimeNow Whole Foods with my full cart. Everything appears to be working as directed except that I was confused by this window. Did I set everything up correctly? Thanks for your help!

I was reading about “compatibility” and it said it was not compatible with Prime Now but it was compatible with Whole Foods delivery from Amazon.com. I didn’t realize there was a difference? Could you explain the difference? I thought ordering from Whole Foods was simply called “PrimeNow”? I see when I click on Whole Foods it creates a different cart than what I created for PrimeNow.

I created a new cart on Amazon.com by selecting Whole Foods in the black bar at the top rather than using the PrimeNow app or webpage. I didn’t realize there was a difference! Everything is working now and the correct window is minimizing and reopening. Sorry for the confusion! I don’t know how to delete this ticket so I’ll just keep it open in case someone else gets confused like I did.