
No results anymore after some time of continuous usage

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Awesome piece of software! Love your work.

When i query the API in a 30s interval for about 2 days, i am not receiving results anymore.
At that time, with the same account on my phone, from the same network, everything works as expected.

  1. Are you aware of any rate-limiting mechanisms on TGTG/Cloudflare side?
  2. Are you aware of any workarounds for this?
  3. Would it help to run traffic through a proxy with changing IP address?


I just published a new release 0.7.0, can you try this one and tell me if it's ok?

i'm on it.

Please reopen issue if there is still issue with 0.9.0

This problem still persists.
Items in the response of the api are not the same as in the app after some time. Around one item a day is returned by the api.

A new login via mail confirmation, without refresh token fixes this. But only for some time.