Resizeable Window
Closed this issue ยท 1 comments
iceener commented
Hey! ๐
I need to make this window resizable, but whenever I try to do it, the window stops appearing on top of fullscreen apps.
Do you have any ideas how to implement this?
Solved, I guess. The solution below seems to work.
- Extend RawNSPanel with this method:
fn set_resizable(&self) {
let current_style_mask: NSWindowStyleMask = unsafe { msg_send![self, styleMask] };
let new_style_mask = current_style_mask | NSWindowStyleMask::NSWindowStyleMaskResizable;
self.set_style_mask(new_style_mask.bits() as i32);
- Update init method
pub fn init_spotlight_window(app_handle: AppHandle<Wry>, window: Window<Wry>) {
INIT.call_once(|| {
let panel = create_spotlight_panel(&window);
set_state!(app_handle, panel, Some(create_spotlight_panel(&window)));
ahkohd commented
Cool, glad you solved it yourself!