[REQ] add a (GH-compliant) license file
MarcoRavich opened this issue · 10 comments
Hi there, 1st of all thanks for this awesome work !
Since we've 'doxed' it in our HyMPS project (under AUDIO section \ Sequencers page \ Audio), can you please add a GH-compliant license file for it ?
As you know, expliciting licensing terms is extremely important to let anyone better/faster understand how to reuse/adapt/modify sources (and not only) in other open projects and vice-versa.
Although it may sounds like a minor aspect, license file omission obviously causes an inconsistent generation of the relative badge too:
(badge-generator URL: https://badgen.net/github/license/ahlstromcj/sequencer64)
You can easily set a standardized one through the GH's license wizard tool.
Last but not least, let us know how we could improve - in your opinion - our categorizations and links to resources in order to favor collaboration between developers (and therefore evolution) of listed projects.
Hope that helps/inspires !
Thanks a lot (Seq66 just added to the list) !
However, to make GH recognize multiple licenses, you have to configure them as done in FLAC or FFMPEG repositories:
Hope that helps !
My suggestion is to restart from scratch:
- delete all license files;
- recreate each license file, by naming LICENSE.type (e.g. LICENSE.GPL, LICENSE.LGPL, LICENSE.FDL, etc);
- Paste licenses texts GH expects inside and be sure to modify only allowed rows (you can also "steal" licenses files from FLAC/FFMPEG repos and mod only that rows);
- Check if GH recognizes all licenses (if not, that license will be listed as "License").
Hope that helps.
What is GH then?
Ehmmm GitHub...
Is that the badge-gen site?
No, we do use 2 different badge generators services: Shields.io and Badgen.
They have specific GitHub dynamic badges.
Do I just drag-and-drop the licenses files on it?
No, they do need just the repo user/name.
= https://img.shields.io/github/followers/ahlstromcj
= https://img.shields.io/github/forks/ahlstromcj/seq66
= https://badgen.net/github/last-commit//ahlstromcj/seq66
All I see is a blank page. What do you mean by "rows"?
You cannot customize the license file text at all, but just some specific rows.
Check out this one, for example: https://github.com/xiph/flac/blob/master/COPYING.FDL
Sorry for these ignorant questions....
Don't worry, we're here to help open source devs !
...then try to rename files again like in FFMPEG repo (that has license version too in file extension).
It could be also possible that GH requires some time so recognize renamed licenses files.
Yes, S64 repo generates the correct license badge now: https://badgen.net/github/license/ahlstromcj/sequencer64