
Contribute in JS?

Opened this issue · 10 comments

Can I Pull Request in JavaScript instead of CoffeScript ?

There is some discussion of rewriting to JS before we get too far into this project. For now, contributions in CoffeeScript are appreciated.

+1 for using JS please let me know

Any news regarding this? Thanks

We are sticking with CoffeeScript for the foreseeable future. Barrier to learning CoffeeScript is quite low. Our team transitioned to it quite well.

I can write little CoffeeScript but I feel more happy when I write JS 😄 also my main project is written in JS.
Thanks and I hope I can contribute some more code in the near future. I am working now on getFields method.

I guess it is time to open this discussion again

@pahan35 any thoughts on the subject ?

@ahmader when I have read article I'll express my opinion.

Before reading it I can say than I can write code in CoffeeScript as well as in JavaScript if I have some examples of syntax.

P.S: I noticed that when I compiled CoffeeScript on Node.js 8.9.3 after your package updating I got compiled code in ES6.

Check out https://github.com/decaffeinate/decaffeinate

Coffeescript was cool when I wrote this, but its not anymore. Time to move on!