
Project not loading correctly in Unity

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Hi, really love the work you've done with PointClouds and the mesh rendering but I'm having trouble opening the Unity demos (I'm using the same Unity version 2019.4.9f1)

These are the errors I'm getting.
Assets/Project/Effects/Mesh Distortion/DistortionMeshInputControl.cs(9,37): warning CS0649: Field 'DistortionMeshInputControl.DistortionMesh' is never assigned to, and will always have its default value null

Assets/Project/Effects/TouchableMesh/TouchableMesh.cs(8,41): warning CS0649: Field 'TouchableMesh.handSphere' is never assigned to, and will always have its default value null

Assets/Project/Effects/AntiAbsoringMesh/AntiAbsoringMesh.cs(7,41): warning CS0649: Field 'AntiAbsoringMesh.handSphere' is never assigned to, and will always have its default value null

Do you know what it could be?

Thank you

Screenshot 2022-02-21 at 15 29 18

This is all I see

Hi, and thanks :)
Well the good news is that you can use it in a newer version and it's OK( I have tested it on 2021.1.21f1)
For your case, it seems component properties are lost and you have to set them manually.
For instance, the 'SingelMeshView' scene 'MeshGen' component should be like this:

Yeah that's what the settings are set at. Also tried it in a newer version of Unity and no luck!

Thanks I'll have a look