
Conv function error condition

tataganesh opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi Ahmed,

    if len(img.shape) > 2 or len(conv_filter.shape) > 3: # Check if number of image channels matches the filter depth.
        if img.shape[-1] != conv_filter.shape[-1]:
            print("Error: Number of channels in both image and filter must match.")

The above snippet in the conv function checks for channel mismatch. But, if len(img.shape) is greater than 2 (eg - (224, 224, 3)), and the conv_filter's shape is (2,3,3), then the condition if img.shape[-1] != conv_filter.shape[-1] is False , even though the number of channels of the image, and the conv_filter, are not the same.
One possible solution is -

    if len(img.shape) != len(conv_filter.shape) - 1: # Check whether number of dimensions is the same
        print("Error: Number of dimensions in conv filter and image do not match.")  
    if len(img.shape) > 2 or len(conv_filter.shape) > 3: # Check if number of image channels matches the filter depth.
        if img.shape[-1] != conv_filter.shape[-1]:
            print("Error: Number of channels in both image and filter must match.")

Thanks too much for your edit. I followed your idea and it is completely right. I will modify the project accordingly.