APT-Hunter is Threat Hunting tool for windows event logs which made by purple team mindset to provide detect APT movements hidden in the sea of windows event logs to decrease the time to uncover suspicious activity
- S4kur4
- chaoscalm
- xrkkBeijing
- Cyber-Git
- 0x00Finch
- rookieproc
- RegaipKURTAnkara, Turkey
- sulthantth
- matthewerobison
- skrtu
- th3gundylocalhost
- bigbrobro
- fly51flyBeiJing
- dds2333Night City
- saadazghourSomewhere in Morocco
- highkayShanghai.China
- mdakh404Morocco
- Kogium
- lightoyou
- mengualpamsterdam
- marcurdy
- ceritmustafaTurkey
- nrrpintoUnited Kingdom
- TsunamoriShenzhen, China
- xidaner0.0.0.0
- lengjibointernet
- al0neChina
- 6t2United States
- jollheef
- BurgSec
- jeffcasavant
- Cyber00011011
- JeremyNGallowayYellow Flag Bar, Roanapur, TH
- jkryanchou
- Raul1718China | XiaMen
- triplekill