
Feature Request: Video Queue

scootyboots opened this issue · 1 comments

Right now there is only functionality to change the current video.

This will quickly become limiting with rooms of more than just a couple people and also requires all the users' full attention if they want to play a video after the current one finishes. This also opens up the possibility for multiple users attempting to change the video at the same time which obviously leads to a number of problems.

One possible solution would be to make a queue which users can add their videos to. The player would automatically change the next video in the queue when the current video finishes.

Initially, the queue wouldn't need to be exposed to the front end, some kind of dialogue to let users know that their track was added to the queue should be sufficient in the short term.

That's a great idea! I will surely keep it in mind. But please note that it might take a longer time than you expect, after all, it's a side project of mine and I don't have much free time now.

I would also encourage people to contribute to this project to implement new features and improve this further.