Creating a simple VPC design, and installing docker on the Jump host and App server via ansbile book
- Python
- Terraform
- Ansible
The access and private keys can be passed to terrafrom in two ways
- use aws cli profile "already configured with keys" and pass the profile name to terraform, so terraform will access the aws as with the profile
- pass the keys directly to terraform, this can be edited under (terraform.tfvars)
- Please copy Pem key for the instance in the terrafom directory
- clone the project to your server
- move the "ansible-runbook" and "docker-runbook" directory to "/etc/ansible/roles"
- download the aws instance key pairs and
- update terraform.tfvars with the appropriate values
- commands to run the project
- terraform init
- terraform plan
- terraform apply
screenshots are avilable in the screenshots folder
- Update the run books to handle various Linux flavors “Centos
- Enhance terraform script and use modules
- Use AWS ACLs.
- Better Keys handling