
Making container debugging easier :whale:

Primary LanguageDockerfile

Docker Debug

This Docker image is intended to make debugging containers and making general container development easier.

It contains typical debugging tools that you may not find in your application containers (i.e. nslookup, curl, vim, dive, etc). That can be extremely useful when trying to resolve an issue with your running app or it's network setup. For example: testing DNS resolution against a service in your cluster.

As covered in the usage you can also point these tools at a running container and effectively utilise them without the need to change your application container itself. For example: if you want to test a file-based config change quickly in your target container but it doesn't have vim or any other editor.


As per How-to Debug a Running Docker Container from a Separate Container, you can use this container and it's tools to debug other running containers like so:

docker run -it --privileged         \
  --pid=container:$DEBUG_CONTAINER  \
  --net=container:$DEBUG_CONTAINER  \

Now you have access to the target containers processes, filesystem (at: /proc/1/root) and it's network (on: localhost).

For debugging Kubernetes networking you can run the following to access a ZSH prompt inside the network:

kubectl run debug --image=ahstn/debug -i --tty --rm


The image contains everything a standard alpine container with the following:

  • Standard Linux Utils
    • curl
    • wget
    • fping
    • bind-tools (nslookup)
    • ZSH
    • tmux
  • Development Tools
    • Vim
    • Git
  • DevOps Tools