Right half of split keyboard not working
Merlin04 opened this issue · 5 comments
For some reason the right half of my keyboard isn't working when plugged in via usb or when wireless. I tried making it the left half, which seemed to work via usb, but didn't work using wireless. I'm not sure what's happening, here's my layout file:
# ss2-pcb-unified
report_mode: auto_nkro
"SuperSplit - Left":
id: 0
layout: "SuperSplit"
layout_offset: 0
wireless_split: true
wireless_mouse: true
wired_split: false
mode: col_row
rows: 6
cols: 6
# maps how keys are physically wired, to how they appear visually
matrix_map: [
r0c0, r0c1, r0c2, r0c3, r0c4, r0c5,
r1c0, r1c1, r1c2, r1c3, r1c4, r1c5,
r2c0, r2c1, r2c2, r2c3, r2c4, r2c5,
r3c0, r3c1, r3c2, r3c3, r3c4, r3c5,
r4c0, r4c1, r4c2, r4c3, r4c4, r4c5,
r5c0, r5c1, r5c2, r5c3, none, r5c5
"SuperSplit - Right":
id: 1
layout: "SuperSplit"
layout_offset: 1
wireless_split: true
wireless_mouse: true
wired_split: false
mode: col_row
rows: 6
cols: 9
# maps how keys are physically wired, to how they appear visually
matrix_map: [
r0c0, r0c1, r0c2, r0c3, r0c4, r0c5, r0c6, r0c7, r0c8,
r1c0, r1c1, r1c2, r1c3, r1c4, r1c5, r1c6, none, r1c8,
r2c0, r2c1, r2c2, r2c3, r2c4, r2c5, r2c6, r2c7, r2c8,
r3c0, r3c1, r3c2, r3c3, r3c4, r3c5, r3c6, r3c7, r3c8,
r4c0, r4c1, r4c2, r4c3, r4c4, r4c5, r4c6, r4c7, r4c8,
r5c0, none, r5c2, r5c3, r5c4, r5c5, r5c6, r5c7, r5c8
id: 16
wireless_split: true
wireless_mouse: true
scan_mode: # rf dongle, so don't need a matrix
mode: no_matrix # options: col_row, pins, no_matrix
default_layer: 0
layers: [
[ # Layer 0
[ # Left Half
esc, f1, f2, f3, f4, f5,
grave, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
tab, q, w, e, r, t,
caps, a, s, d, f, g,
lsft, z, x, c, v, b,
lctl, lgui, lalt, bspc, none, SPC
[ # Right Half
f6, f7, f8, f9, f10, f11, f12, home, end,
6, 7, 8, 9, 0, '-', '=', none, bspc,
y, u, i, o, p, '[', ']', '\', del,
h, j, k, l, ';', "'", ent, pgup, home,
n, m, ',', '.', '/', rsft, up, pgdn, end,
SPC, none, L1, menu, rctl, left, down, right, ins
[ # Layer 1
[ # Left Half
esc, f1, f2, f3, f4, f5,
grave, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
tab, q, w, e, r, t,
caps, a, s, d, f, g,
lsft, z, x, c, v, b,
lctl, lgui, lalt, bspc, none, SPC
[ # Right Half
f6, f7, f8, f9, f10, f11, pscr, slck, pause,
6, 7, 8, 9, 0, '-', '=', none, bspc,
y, u, i, o, p, '[', ']', '\', del,
h, j, k, l, ';', "'", ent, pgup, home,
n, m, ',', '.', '/', rsft, up, pgdn, end,
SPC, none, L1, menu, rctl, left, down, right, ins
I found a bug recently, that causes RF settings not to be updated until the device is reset. It's possible it might be causing this issue.
Not at home at the moment, so don't have all the stuff I need to test this, so might not get a chance to test this for the next day or two.
Found a bug in the calculation of the matrix offset for split devices. Since the resulting offset was too large attempts to write to the matrix where blocked as they were out of bounds.
Fixed with this commit: 9d658e2
Do I have to compile the firmware for the unifying dongle? If so, how?
I've tried compiling the firmware for the unifying dongle, but I just get errors saying /bin/bash: /usr/local/bin/sdcpp: No such file or directory
Never mind, I didn't realize ci.keyplus.io existed.