
UI small fixes bundle

Closed this issue · 0 comments

resize textarea fix
add resizable and scrolling code tag
placeholders instead post-block named
rebuild Mayuri
and more

index 13f9ab9..c380877 100644
--- a/Handler/Posting.hs
+++ b/Handler/Posting.hs
@@ -61,13 +61,18 @@ postForm boardVal extra = do
       ratings :: [(Text, Censorship)]
       ratings = map (showText &&& id) [minBound..maxBound]
       fInput lbl = lbl { fsAttrs = [("onchange","handleFiles(this)"),("class","file-input")] }
-  let nameInput lbl = lbl { fsAttrs = [("placeholder",msgrender MsgName)] }
-      subjectInput lbl = lbl { fsAttrs = [("placeholder",msgrender MsgSubject)] }
-      passwordInput lbl = lbl { fsAttrs = [("placeholder",msgrender MsgPassword)] }
-      captchaInput lbl = lbl { fsAttrs = [("placeholder",msgrender MsgCaptcha)] }
-  (nameRes     , nameView    ) <- mopt textField              "" (Just <$> lastName)
-  (subjectRes  , subjectView ) <- mopt textField              "" (Just              <$> lastTitle)
-  (messageRes  , messageView ) <- mopt myMessageField         "" ((Just . Textarea) <$> lastMessage)
-  (passwordRes , passwordView) <- mreq passwordField          "" Nothing
-  (captchaRes  , captchaView ) <- mopt textField              "" Nothing
-  (gobackRes   , gobackView  ) <- mreq (selectFieldList urls) "" (Just $ maybe ToBoard (\x -> read $ unpack x :: GoBackTo) lastGoback)
-  (nameRes     , nameView    ) <- mopt textField      (nameInput     "")  (Just              <$> lastName)
-  (subjectRes  , subjectView ) <- mopt textField      (subjectInput  "")  (Just              <$> lastTitle)
-  (messageRes  , messageView ) <- mopt myMessageField                ""  ((Just . Textarea)  <$> lastMessage)
-  (passwordRes , passwordView) <- mreq passwordField  (passwordInput "")   Nothing
-  (captchaRes  , captchaView ) <- mopt textField      (captchaInput  "")   Nothing
-  (gobackRes   , gobackView  ) <- mreq        (selectFieldList urls) ""   (Just $ maybe ToBoard (\x -> read $ unpack x :: GoBackTo) lastGoback)
  (nobumpRes   , nobumpView  ) <- mopt checkBoxField          "" Nothing
  (fileresults , fileviews   ) <- unzip <$> forM ([1..numberFiles] :: [Int]) (_ -> mopt fileField (fInput "") Nothing)
  (ratingresults, ratingviews) <- unzip <$> forM ([1..numberFiles] :: [Int]) (_ -> mreq (selectFieldList ratings) "" Nothing)
  diff --git a/messages/en.msg b/messages/en.msg
  index fb4000f..4dfc680 100644
  --- a/messages/en.msg
  +++ b/messages/en.msg
  @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Name: Name
  Subject: Subject
  SubmitBtn: Submit
  Message: Message
  -Password: Password
  +Password: Type password
  File: File
  Goback: Go back to
  ToThread: thread
  @@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ ApiCount: Number of posts
  #### Captcha
  -Captcha: Captcha
  +Captcha: Type captcha symbols
  ReloadPage: Error. Reload page.
  TypeOnly: Type only 
  ItalicChars: italic characters
  diff --git a/messages/ru.msg b/messages/ru.msg
  index b1285fe..543bb6e 100644
  --- a/messages/ru.msg
  +++ b/messages/ru.msg
  @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Name: Имя
  Subject: Тема
  SubmitBtn: Отправить
  Message: Текст
  -Password: Пароль
  +Password: Введите пароль
  File: Файл
  Goback: Перейти к 
  Nobump: Не бампать
  @@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ ApiCount: Количество постов
  #### Captcha
  -Captcha: Капча
  +Captcha: Введите символы с картинки
  ReloadPage: Ошибка. Перезагрузите страницу.
  TypeOnly: Введите только
  ItalicChars: курсивные символы
  diff --git a/static/css/ash.css b/static/css/ash.css
  index 111d503..c892c67 100644
  --- a/static/css/ash.css
  +++ b/static/css/ash.css
  @@ -29,10 +29,6 @@ footer {
   padding: 1em;

-#post-form input, #post-form label, #post-form textarea, #post-form .file-select, #post-form .dropdown {
-    margin-bottom: 3px !important;
  fieldset {
     border: 1px solid black;
  @@ -119,6 +115,12 @@ textarea:focus {
   padding: 5px;

+pre {
-    background-color: #EEEEEE;
-    border: 1px dashed #DFDFDF;
-    padding: 10px;
  /\* Header _/
  .file-name {
     font-size: 0.8em;
  @@ -129,14 +131,14 @@ textarea:focus {
   color: #666666;
  /_ Message */
  -.spoiler, .spoiler a {
  +.spoiler, .spoiler a, .spoiler .quote {
   transition:all 0.2s ease;
   box-shadow: 1px 1px 0px #999;

-.spoiler:hover, .spoiler a:hover, .quote .spoiler:hover {
+.spoiler:hover, .spoiler a:hover, .spoiler:hover .quote {
     background: none;
     box-shadow: none;
@@ -146,10 +148,14 @@ textarea:focus {

-.quote, .quote .spoiler:hover {
+.quote, #button-quote, .spoiler:hover .quote, .quote .spoiler:hover {
     color: #008000;

+#button-quote:hover {
-    color: #206620;
  .last-modified {
     font-size: 0.7em;
  diff --git a/static/css/mayuri.css b/static/css/mayuri.css
  index 8b13789..e5c5f2f 100644
  --- a/static/css/mayuri.css
  +++ b/static/css/mayuri.css
  @@ -1 +1,243 @@
  +html, body {
-    font: 15px "Arial", serif;
-    color: #999;
-    background-color: #353535;

+a {
-    color:#A75353;
  +a:hover {
-    color:#804040;
  +footer {
-    text-align:center;
  +#wrap {
-    overflow: hidden;
-    background-color: #292929;
-    border-bottom: 2px solid #863D3D;
  +#main {
-    margin: auto 3%;
-    padding:5px 25px;
-    border-right:1px solid #000;
-    border-left: 2px dashed #863D3D;
-    box-shadow: -2px 0px 10px #1A1A1A;
  +hr {
-    border: 1px #853737;
-    border-style:solid none none;
  +.current a{
-   background: none!important;
  +/\* **************************************\* _/
  +/_ **************\* Forms ****************\* _/
  +/_ **************************************\* */
  +.show-plain-form {
-    border-top: 1px solid rgba(10, 10, 10, 0.3);
-    border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(10, 10, 10, 0.3);
-    padding: 1em;
  +fieldset {
-   border-left: none;
-   border-right: none;
-   border-top: 1px solid rgba(134, 61, 61, 0.67);
-   border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(134, 61, 61, 0.67);
  +fieldset legend {
-    padding: 3px 5px;
-    background: none;
-    border: 1px dashed rgba(134, 61, 61, 0.67);
  +textarea, .button {
-   box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px #202020;
-   border:1px solid black;
-    background: #212121;
-    color: #CCC;
  +textarea:focus {
-   box-shadow: 0 1px 4px black;
-   background: #212121;
-   border:1px solid black;
  +.button {
-    border:1px solid #3a3a3a;
  +.button:hover {
-    background: #863d3d;
  +.rules {
-    font-size: 0.7em;
  +input::-webkit-input-placeholder {
-    color:#4C4C4C ;
  +input::-moz-placeholder {
-    color:#727272 ;
  +/\* **************************************\* _/
  +[class^="icon-"], [class_=" icon-"] {
-    background-image: url("/static/img/glyphicons-white.png");
-    opacity: 0.5;
  +/\* **************************************\* _/
  +/_ **********\* Post and threads *********\* _/
  +/_ **************************************\* */
  +.reply, .post-list .opening, .popup {
-    background: #252525;
-    border: 1px solid #000;
  +.popup, .highlighted {
-    border:1px dashed #863D3D;
-    box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px #0C0C0C;
  +.highlighted {
-    background: #1A1A1A;
  +.thumb, .video-thumb, iframe {
-   box-shadow: 0 1px 4px black;
  +pre {
-    background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.1);
-    border: 1px dashed #5c1f1f;
-    padding: 10px;
-    margin: 10px 7px ;
  +.thread {
-    border-bottom: 2px solid rgba(134, 61, 61, 0.67);
  +.post-list .hidden-thread {
-    background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% #CFCFCF;
-    border-radius: 3px;
-    border: 1px solid #EEEEEE;
-    padding: 5px;
  +.post-title {
-    color: #963428;
-    font-size: 1.1em;
-    font-weight: bold;
  +/\* Header */
  +.file-name {
-    font-size: 0.8em;
  +.time {
-    font-size: 0.8em;
-    color: #666666;
  +/\* Message */
  +.spoiler, .spoiler a, .spoiler .quote {
-    background: #000;
-    box-shadow: -2px 1px 2px #1A1A1A;
-    color: transparent;
-    transition:all 0.2s ease;
  +.spoiler:hover, .spoiler a:hover, .spoiler:hover .quote {
-    background: none;
-    color: #999;
-    box-shadow: none;
  +.spoiler a:hover {
-    color:#804040;
  +.quote, #button-quote, .quote .spoiler:hover, .spoiler:hover .quote {
-    color: #51860F;
  +#button-quote:hover {
-    color: #426E0F;
  +.last-modified {
-    font-size: 0.7em;
  +/\* Files */
  +.file-info {
-    display: none;
  +/\* **************************************\* _/
  +/_ ***************\* Admin ***************\* _/
  +/_ **************************************\* */
  +.admin-navbar {
-    border-right: 1px solid rgba(10, 10, 10, 0.3);
  +.admin-navbar li:hover {
-    background-color: #CFCFCF;
  +/\* **************************************\* _/
  +/_ **********\* Popup alerts *************\* _/
  +/_ **************************************\* */
  +.popup-alert, .panel {
-    background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% #2C2C2C;
-    border-radius: 3px;
-    border: 1px dashed #5c1f1f;
-    box-shadow: 2px 4px 25px -4px #1A1A1A;
  +/\* **************************************\* _/
  +/_ ***********\* Home page ***************\* _/
  +/_ **************************************\* */
  +.board-category {
-    font-weight: bold;
  +.panel p, #board-title, #main-title h1, #main h2, .pagination a, .top-bar a {
-    color: #a2a2a2!important;
  diff --git a/templates/default-layout.lucius b/templates/default-layout.lucius
  index 74d7836..9c2eca8 100644
  --- a/templates/default-layout.lucius
  +++ b/templates/default-layout.lucius
  @@ -44,74 +44,78 @@ footer {
   content: "✖";

-textarea {
-    display: block;
-    font-size: 0.875em;
-    margin: 0 0 1em 0;
-    padding: 0.1em;
-    height: 1.5em;
-    width: 100%;
  -.postfix {
-    font-size: 0.875em;
-    height: 1.5em;
-    line-height: 1.25em;
  +#edit-form textarea {
-    width: 97%;
  +/\*    input[type="datetime-local"],              _/
  +/_    input[type="password"],                    _/
  +/_    input[type="datetime"],                    _/
  +/_    input[type="number"],                      _/
  +/_    input[type="search"],                      _/
  +/_    input[type="month"],                       _/
  +/_    input[type="email"],                       _/
  +/_    input[type="week"],                        _/
  +/_    input[type="time"],                        _/
  +/_    input[type="date"],                        _/
  +/_    input[type="text"],                        _/
  +/_    input[type="tel"],                         _/
  +/_    input[type="url"] {                        _/
  +/_        display: block;                        _/
  +/_        font-size: 0.875em;                    _/
  +/_        margin: 0 0 1em 0;                     _/
  +/_        padding: 0.1em;                        _/
  +/_        height: 1.5em;                         _/
  +/_        width: 100%;                           _/
  +/_    }                                          _/
  +/_                                               _/
  +/_    .prefix,                                   _/
  +/_    .postfix {                                 _/
  +/_        font-size: 0.875em;                    _/
  +/_        height: 1.5em;                         _/
  +/_        line-height: 1.25em;                   _/
  +/_    }                                          */
  /\* Adjust padding, alignment and radius if pre/post element is a button */
  -.postfix.button {
-    line-height: 1.25em;
  +/\*    .postfix.button {                          _/
  +/_        line-height: 1.25em;                   _/
  +/_    }                                          _/
  +/_                                               _/
  +/_    .prefix.button {                           _/
  +/_        line-height: 1.25em;                   _/
  +/_    }                                          _/
  +/_                                               _/
  +/_    button, .button {                          _/
  +/_        margin: 0 0 1.25em;                    _/
  +/_        padding-top: 0.75em;                   _/
  +/_        padding-right: 1.5em;                  _/
  +/_        padding-bottom: 0.8125em;              _/
  +/_        padding-left: 1.5em;                   _/
  +/_        font-size: 0.875em;                    _/
  +/_    }                                          _/
  +/_    form.custom .custom.dropdown .current {    _/
  +/_        line-height: 1.225em;                  _/
  +/_        fon-size: 0.875em;                     _/
  +/_    }                                          _/
  +/_                                               _/
  +/_    form.custom .custom.dropdown {             _/
  +/_        height: 1.5em;                         _/
  +/_    }                                          _/
  +/_    form.custom .custom.dropdown .selector {   _/
  +/_        height: 1.5em;                         _/
  +/_    }                                          _/
  +/_                                               _/
  +/_    label.inline {                             _/
  +/_        margin: 0 0 1em;                       _/
  +/_        padding: 0;                            _/
  +/_    }                                          _/
  +/_                                               _/
  +/_    form.custom .custom.checkbox:before {      _/
  +/_        line-height: 1.11;                     _/
  +/_    }                                          */

-.prefix.button {
-    line-height: 1.25em;
  -button, .button {
-    margin: 0 0 1.25em;
-    padding-top: 0.75em;
-    padding-right: 1.5em;
-    padding-bottom: 0.8125em;
-    padding-left: 1.5em;
-    font-size: 0.875em;
  -form.custom .custom.dropdown .current {
-    line-height: 1.225em;
-    fon-size: 0.875em;
  -form.custom .custom.dropdown {
-    height: 1.5em;
  -form.custom .custom.dropdown .selector {
-    height: 1.5em;
  -label.inline {
-    margin: 0 0 1em;
-    padding: 0;
  -form.custom .custom.checkbox:before {
-    line-height: 1.11;
  /\* ********************************\* _/
  /_ ************\* Icons ************\* _/
  /_ ********************************\* */
  @@ -172,10 +176,6 @@ form.custom .custom.checkbox:before {
   float: right;

-.no-js .icon-hide-thread {
-    display: none;
  .icon-show-thread {
     float: right;
     background-position: -1037px -77px;
  @@ -186,20 +186,11 @@ form.custom .custom.checkbox:before {
   background-position: -77px -29px;

-.no-js .icon-hide-thread-completely {
-    display: none;
  .icon-reply {
     background-position: -605px -173px;

-.no-js .icon-reply {
-    display: none;
  .show-plain-form {
-    display:none;
   text-align: center;

@@ -211,10 +202,6 @@ form.custom .custom.checkbox:before {
     background-position: -77px -77px;

-.no-js .icon-edit-post {
-    display: none;
  .icon-close {
     background-position: -269px -101px;
  @@ -224,10 +211,6 @@ form.custom .custom.checkbox:before {
   opacity: 0.3;

-.no-js .icon-del-post {
-    display: none;
  .icon-eye-open {
     background-position: -53px -29px;
     cursor: auto;
  @@ -237,6 +220,17 @@ form.custom .custom.checkbox:before {
   background-position: -629px -77px;
   margin-right: 3px;
  +.no-js .icon-hide-thread-completely,
  +.no-js .icon-hide-thread,
  +.no-js .icon-edit-post,
  +.no-js .icon-del-post,
  +.no-js .icon-reply,
  +.show-plain-form {
-    display: none;
  /\* **************************************\* _/
  /_ ***************\* Header **************\* _/
  /_ **************************************\* */
  @@ -264,8 +258,11 @@ form.custom .custom.checkbox:before {
  .post {
-    padding: 5px;
-    margin: 3px;
-   padding: 9px 12px!important;
  +.reply {
-   margin-bottom: 6px!important;
  .multi-file {
  @@ -285,10 +282,32 @@ form.custom .custom.checkbox:before {
   display: block;

-.censored {
+#captcha, .censored, iframe, pre {
     display: block;

+.video-thumb {
-    cursor: pointer;
  +.video-container {
-    display: table;
-    background-color: black;
  +iframe {
-    border: none;
  +pre {
-    overflow: auto;
-    width: 450px;
-   min-height: 450px;
-    height: 150px;
-    min-height: 150px;
-    resize: both !important;
  /\* Message */
  .message {
     padding: 8px 10px;
  @@ -349,6 +368,20 @@ form.custom .custom.checkbox:before {
   float: right;

+.delete-container, .thread-bottom {
-   padding-top: 3px;
  +.delete-container .tiny {
-    margin-left: 8px;
  +#edit-button, .delete-container .tiny{
-   padding-top: 5px;
-   padding-bottom: 5px;
-   margin-top: 3px;
  /\* **************************************\* _/
  /_ **********\* Popup alerts *************\* _/
  /_ **************************************\* */
  @@ -378,132 +411,111 @@ form.custom .custom.checkbox:before {
   top: 10px;

-/\* .admin-table { _/
-/_     border-collapse: collapse; _/
-/_     font-size: 0.8em; _/
-/_     margin: 7px; */
## -/\* } */

-/\* .admin-table td, .admin-table th { _/
-/_     border: 1px solid black; _/
-/_     border-collapse: collapse; _/
-/_     padding: 5px; _/
-/_     padding-right: 8px; */
## -/\* } */

-/\* .admin-table input { _/
-/_     width: 100%; */
## -/\* } */

-/\* header { _/
-/_     padding-bottom: 15px; */
## -/\* } */

-/\* .js .mark-to-delete input[type=checkbox] { _/
-/_     display:none; */
## -/\* } */

-/\* #edit-form textarea { _/
-/_     width: 98%; */
## -/\* } */

-/\* #close-edit-form { _/
-/_     float:right; _/
-/_     margin: 3px 5px; */
## -/\* } */

-/\* .last-modified { _/
-/_     font-size: 0.7em; _/
-/_     float:right; */
## -/\* } */

-/\* .hist-date { _/
-/_     margin: 10px; _/
-/_     text-align: center; _/
-/_     font-weight: bold; */
## -/\* } */

-/\* .hist-msg { _/
-/_     word-wrap: break-word; _/
-/_     width: 50%; _/
-/_     margin: 0 auto; */
## -/\* } */

-/\* #edit-history-header { _/
-/_     text-align: center; */
## -/\* } */

-/\* .file-name { _/
-/_     margin: 2px; */
## -/\* } */

-/\* .file-info { _/
-/_     font-style: italic; _/
-/_     margin: 2px; */
## -/\* } */

-/\* iframe { _/
-/_     border: 0px; */
## -/\* } */

-/\* .focused { _/
-/_     text-decoration: underline; */
## -/\* } */

-/\* ul { _/
-/_     list-style-position: inside; _/
-/_     margin: 0; _/
-/_     padding: 0 0 0 15px; */
## -/\* } */

-/\* .expand-post { _/
-/_     padding: 3px 0 0 8px; */
## -/\* } */

-/\* .shrink-post { _/
-/_     padding-left: 8px; */
## -/\* } */

-/\* .expand-post, .shrink-post { _/
-/_     color: #666666; */
## -/\* } */

-/\* .markup-wrapper { _/
-/_     margin:0 auto; _/
-/_     width:90%; _/
-/_     padding: 5px; */
## -/\* } */

-/\* .abbreviated { _/
-/_     max-height: 250px; _/
-/_     overflow:hidden; */
## -/\* } */

-/\* #delete-container { _/
-/_     clear: both; */
## -/\* } */

-/\* #captcha { _/
-/_     display: block; */
## -/\* } */

-/\* .censored { _/
-/_     display: block; */
## -/\* } */

-/\* .no-js .markup-buttons { _/
-/_     visibility: hidden; _/
-/_     height: 0px; */
## -/\* } */

-/\* .video-thumb { _/
-/_     cursor: pointer; */
## -/\* } */

-/\* .thumb { _/
-/_     outline: none; _/
-/_ } _/
+/_    .admin-table {
+/\*        border-collapse: collapse;
+/\*        font-size: 0.8em;
+/\*        margin: 7px;
+/\*    }                       */
  +/\*    .admin-table td, .admin-table th { _/  
  +/_        border: 1px solid black; _/  
  +/_        border-collapse: collapse; _/  
  +/_        padding: 5px; _/  
  +/_        padding-right: 8px; _/  
  +/_    } */  
  +/\*    .admin-table input { _/  
  +/_        width: 100%; _/  
  +/_    } */  
  +/\*    header { _/  
  +/_        padding-bottom: 15px; _/  
  +/_    } */  
  +/\*    .js .mark-to-delete input[type=checkbox] { _/
  +/_        display:none; _/  
  +/_    } */  
  +/\*    #close-edit-form { _/  
  +/_        float:right; _/  
  +/_        margin: 3px 5px; _/  
  +/_    } */  
  +/\*    .last-modified { _/  
  +/_        font-size: 0.7em; _/  
  +/_        float:right; _/  
  +/_    } */  
  +/\*    .hist-date { _/  
  +/_        margin: 10px; _/  
  +/_        text-align: center; _/  
  +/_        font-weight: bold; _/  
  +/_    } */  
  +/\*    .hist-msg { _/  
  +/_        word-wrap: break-word; _/  
  +/_        width: 50%; _/  
  +/_        margin: 0 auto; _/  
  +/_    } */  
  +/\*    #edit-history-header { _/  
  +/_        text-align: center; _/  
  +/_    } */  
  +/\*    .file-name { _/  
  +/_        margin: 2px; _/  
  +/_    } */  
  +/\*    .file-info { _/  
  +/_        font-style: italic; _/  
  +/_        margin: 2px; _/  
  +/_    } */  
  +/\*    .focused { _/  
  +/_        text-decoration: underline; _/  
  +/_    } */  
- +/\*    ul { _/  
  +/_        list-style-position: inside; _/  
  +/_        margin: 0; _/  
  +/_        padding: 0 0 0 15px; _/  
  +/_    }                                         _/
  +/_    .expand-post {                            _/
  +/_        padding: 3px 0 0 8px;                 _/
  +/_    }                                         _/
  +/_    .shrink-post {                            _/
  +/_        padding-left: 8px;                    _/
  +/_    }                                         _/
  +/_    .expand-post, .shrink-post {              _/
  +/_        color: #666666;                       _/
  +/_    }                                         _/
  +/_    .markup-wrapper {                         _/
  +/_        margin:0 auto;                        _/
  +/_        width:90%;                            _/
  +/_        padding: 5px;                         _/
  +/_    }                                         _/
  +/_    .abbreviated {                            _/
  +/_        max-height: 250px;                    _/
  +/_        overflow:hidden;                      _/
  +/_    }                                         _/
  +/_    #delete-container {                       _/
  +/_        clear: both;                          _/
  +/_    }                                         _/
  +/_    .no-js .markup-buttons {                  _/
  +/_        visibility: hidden;                   _/
  +/_        height: 0px;                          _/
  +/_    }                                         _/
  +/_    .thumb {                                  _/
  +/_        outline: none;                        _/
  +/_    }                                         */
  diff --git a/templates/edit-form.hamlet b/templates/edit-form.hamlet
  index 64b4333..de49806 100644
  --- a/templates/edit-form.hamlet
  +++ b/templates/edit-form.hamlet
  @@ -1,60 +1,57 @@
  # {extra}
  -<span style=display:none>
  +<span style="display:none">
   ^{fvInput postIdView}
  <div .row>
-  <div .columns .large-12 .small-12>
-  <div .columns .large-11 .small-12>
   ^{fvInput messageView}
  -<div .row>
-  <div .columns .large-12 .small-12>  
-    <div .markup-buttons style=display:inline>
-    <div .markup-buttons style="display:inline">
     <ul .inline-list>
-         <a id=button-bold-edit>
-         <a id="button-bold-edit">
-         <a id=button-italic-edit>
-         <a id="button-italic-edit">
-         <a id=button-underline-edit>
-         <a id="button-underline-edit">
-         <a id=button-strike-edit>
-         <a id="button-strike-edit">
           <span style="text-decoration:line-through">
-         <a id=button-spoiler-edit>
-         <a id="button-spoiler-edit">
           <span .spoiler>
-         <a id=button-code-edit>
-         <a id="button-code-edit">
-         <a id=button-inline-latex-edit>
-         <a id="button-inline-latex-edit">
-         <a id=button-latex-edit>
-         <a id="button-latex-edit">
-         <a id=button-quote-edit .quote>
-         <a id="button-quote-edit" .quote>
-         <span style=display:inline .symbol-counter>
-         <span style="display:inline" .symbol-counter>
  <div .row>
   <div .columns .large-3 .small-6>
     ^{fvInput passwordView}
  <div .columns .large-3 .small-5>
-    <input .button .tiny type=button id=edit-button value=_{MsgEdit}>
-    <input .button .tiny type="button" id="edit-button" value="_{MsgEdit}">
  <div .columns .large-1 .pull-5 .small-1>
-    <a title=_{MsgCloseIcon} onclick="hideEditForm()" #close-edit-form>
-    <a title="_{MsgCloseIcon}" onclick="hideEditForm()" #close-edit-form>
  $if elem ShadowEditP permissions
   <div .row>
     <div .columns .large-12 .small-12>
       ^{fvInput shadowView}
-      <label style=display:inline for=#{fvId shadowView}>
-      <label style="display:inline" for="#{fvId shadowView}">
  diff --git a/templates/post-form.hamlet b/templates/post-form.hamlet
  index ad24c21..d87b29e 100644
  --- a/templates/post-form.hamlet
  +++ b/templates/post-form.hamlet
  @@ -1,79 +1,71 @@
  <div .row .collapse>
-  <div .large-1 .small-5 .columns>
-    <label .prefix for=#{fvId nameView}>_{MsgName}
  <div .large-3 .small-7 .columns>
   ^{fvInput nameView}
-  <div .large-2 .pull-6 .small-7 .columns .no-bump-block>
-    <label .inline for=#{fvId nobumpView}>
-  <div .large-2 .pull-7 .small-7 .columns .no-bump-block>
-    <label .inline for="#{fvId nobumpView}">
     ^{fvInput nobumpView}
  <div .row .collapse .subject-block>
-  <div .large-1 .small-5 .columns>
-    <label for=#{fvId subjectView} .prefix>_{MsgSubject}
  <div .large-3 .small-7 .columns>
   ^{fvInput subjectView}
-  <div .large-2 .pull-6 .small-12 .columns>
-    <input type=submit .button .postfix value=_{MsgSubmitBtn}>
-  <div .large-2 .pull-7 .small-12 .columns>
-    <input type="submit" .button .postfix value="_{MsgSubmitBtn}">
  <div .row .collapse>
-  <div .large-12 .columns >
-  <div .large-10 .columns >
   ^{fvInput messageView}
   <div .markup-buttons>
     <ul .inline-list>
-         <a id=button-bold>
-         <a id="button-bold">
-         <a id=button-italic>
-         <a id="button-italic">
-         <a id=button-underline>
-         <a id="button-underline">
-         <a id=button-strike>
-         <a id="button-strike">
           <span style="text-decoration:line-through">
-         <a id=button-spoiler>
-         <a id="button-spoiler">
           <span .spoiler>
-         <a id=button-code>
-         <a id="button-code">
-         <a id=button-inline-latex>
-         <a id="button-inline-latex">
-         <a id=button-latex>
-         <a id="button-latex">
-         <a id=button-quote .quote>
-         <a id="button-quote .quote">
-         <span style=display:inline .symbol-counter>
-         <span style="display:inline" .symbol-counter>
  <div .row .collapse>
-  <div .large-1 .small-5 .columns>
-    <label for=#{fvId passwordView} .prefix>_{MsgPassword}
-  <div .large-3 .pull-8 .small-7 .columns>
-  <div .large-3 .small-7 .columns>
   ^{fvInput passwordView}
  $if enableCaptchaW
-  <div .row .collapse>
-    <div .large-1 .small-5 .columns>
-      <label for=#{fvId captchaView} .prefix>_{MsgCaptcha}
-    <div .large-4 .small-7 .columns>
-  <div .row .collapse style="padding-bottom:3px;">
-    <div .large-3 .small-7 .columns>
     $if isJust muserW
         <span .prefix>_{MsgYouDontNeedCaptcha}  
         $maybe _ <- acaptchaW
             <span .prefix>_{MsgYouDontNeedCaptcha}
-          $nothing
-              ^{fvInput captchaView} 
-          $nothing  
-              <img alt="captcha" #captcha src="@{CaptchaR}">
             <label #captcha-info for="#{fvId captchaView}">
                 $maybe c <- maybeCaptchaInfoW
  @@ -85,8 +77,7 @@ $if enableCaptchaW
-    <div .large-7 .small-12 .columns>  
-      <img alt=captcha #captcha src=@{CaptchaR}>
- ```
           ^{fvInput captchaView}

$if length fileviews > 0
$forall (fv, rv) <- zip fileviews ratingviews
@@ -99,11 +90,11 @@ $if length fileviews > 0
<div .columns .large-1 .small-4 .file-input-size>
<span .postfix>
<div .columns .large-1 .pull-3 .small-4>

  •    <a .clear-file title=_{MsgRemoveFileIcon} onclick="clearFile('#{unpack $ fvId fv}')"></a>
  •    <a .clear-file title="_{MsgRemoveFileIcon}" onclick="clearFile('#{unpack $ fvId fv}')"></a>
  • <label for=#{fvId gobackView} .prefix>_{MsgGoback}

  • <label for="#{fvId gobackView}" .prefix>_{MsgGoback}

^{fvInput gobackView}

diff --git a/templates/post-form.lucius b/templates/post-form.lucius
index 479f9be..bb3f87a 100644
--- a/templates/post-form.lucius
+++ b/templates/post-form.lucius
@@ -1,7 +1,16 @@
textarea {

  • height: 150px;
  • min-height: 150px;
  • width: 90% !important;
  • width: 97%;
  • height: 200px;
  • min-height: 200px;
  • resize: both !important;

+#post-form input,
+#post-form label,
+#post-form textarea,
+#post-form .file-select,
+#post-form .dropdown {

  • margin-bottom: 3px;

.clear-file {
@@ -13,36 +22,27 @@ textarea {
content: "✖";

-.clear-file, .file-input-size {

  • display: none;
    -/* .quick-post-form { /
    text-align: left; /
    margin: 5px 0 0; /
    display: table; /
    width: 95%; /
    padding: 5px; */

-/* } */

-/* .plain-post-form { /
width: 75%; /
margin: 10px 10%; /
border: 0px; /
padding: 5px; /
} /
.quick-post-form { /
text-align: left; /
margin: 5px 0 0; /
display: table; /
width: 95%; /
padding: 5px; /
} /
.plain-post-form { /
width: 75%; /
margin: 10px 10%; /
border: 0px; /
padding: 5px; /
} */

.close-post-form {
text-align: center;

-.js .file-input {

  • visibility: none;
  • position: absolute;
  • left: -999999px;

-.no-js .file-select, .no-js .close-post-form, .no-js .markup-buttons {

  • display: none;
    +.file-select {
  • padding: 9px !important;

.file-input-thumb {
@@ -51,6 +51,23 @@ textarea {
display: block;

-.markup-buttons ul {

  • line-height: 1em;
    +.markup-buttons {
  • font-variant: small-caps;

+.subject-block .button {

  • margin-left: 5px;

+.no-bump-block label {

  • padding-left: 5px;

+.no-js .close-post-form,
+.no-js .markup-buttons,
+.no-js .file-select,
+.js .file-input,
+.clear-file {

  • display: none;
    \ No newline at end of file```