
Doesn't work in editor view

beraaren opened this issue · 5 comments

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Describe the Bug

It doesn't work on ... model. And I can't change the model in the settings.

An error occured. ChatGPT error 404: {
"error": {
"message": "The model text-davinci-003 has been deprecated, learn more here:",
"type": "invalid_request_error",
"param": null,
"code": "model_not_found"

Please tell us if you have customized any of the extension settings or whether you are using the defaults.

I'm using default settings

Additional context

azure api kulanımıyorum. muhtamelen benim api ile alakalı bir problem var. ayarlara editor view için model özelleştirilme eklenmeli

Duplicate of #150

So the topic does not die, i have exactly the same issue, windows 11 en VSC, it really does not work anything in the editor view, but the directly commands works, the editor view is the cool feature, so it is a real shame that it does not work

The model selection for "editor view" would be useful feature. Now it is not usable :(

I am having the same problem.

I'm experiencing the same issue.