Using this in a TypeScript library with `"declaration": true` fails
ifiokjr opened this issue · 1 comments
ifiokjr commented
The error is shown below.
Public property 'events' of exported class has or is using name 'Emitter' from external module "/path/to/node_modules/nanoevents/index" but cannot be named
The fix would be to update the index.d.ts file for the project to look like this. This works because when setting export = createNanoEvents
then we also have to wrap everything in a namespace so that it can be accessed by external code.
declare namespace createNanoEvents {
interface EventsMap {
[event: string]: any
interface DefaultEvents extends EventsMap {
[event: string]: (...args: any) => void
class Emitter<Events extends EventsMap> {
* Event names in keys and arrays with listeners in values.
* ```js
* =
* = { }
* ```
events: Partial<{ [E in keyof Events]: Events[E][] }>
* Add a listener for a given event.
* ```js
* const unbind = ee.on('tick', (tickType, tickDuration) => {
* count += 1
* })
* disable () {
* unbind()
* }
* ```
* @param event The event name.
* @param cb The listener function.
* @returns Unbind listener from event.
on <K extends keyof Events>(this: this, event: K, cb: Events[K]): () => void
* Calls each of the listeners registered for a given event.
* ```js
* ee.emit('tick', tickType, tickDuration)
* ```
* @param event The event name.
* @param args The arguments for listeners.
emit <K extends keyof Events>(
this: this,
event: K,
...args: Parameters<Events[K]>
): void
* Create event emitter.
* ```js
* import createNanoEvents from 'nanoevents'
* class Ticker {
* constructor() {
* this.emitter = createNanoEvents()
* }
* on(...args) {
* return this.emitter.on(...args)
* }
* tick() {
* this.emitter.emit('tick')
* }
* }
* ```
declare function createNanoEvents<Events extends createNanoEvents.EventsMap = createNanoEvents.DefaultEvents> (
): createNanoEvents.Emitter<Events>
export = createNanoEvents
johnnyshankman commented
Is this actually fixed? I'm having this issue in 7.0.0 but not 6.0.0.