
Event Handler is lost when button is added to overflow menu in the command bar

Akhoy opened this issue · 3 comments

Akhoy commented

Like the title mentions, event handler of a button is lost if the button is moved to the overflow menu while using the command bar. On inspecting it with dev tools, I was able to find the reason. The button element is turned into an anchor tag. Please let me know if there is any fix for this.

Hi, can you provide a sample of your code?

Akhoy commented

Hi, here's some sample code:

  <template slot='main'>        
    <ou-command-button icon='Save' @click="save">Save</ou-command-button>
    <ou-command-button icon='Accept' @click="updateOperation('approve')" v-if="ifEditMode()">Publish &amp; Approve </ou-command-button> 
    <ou-command-button icon='Edit' @click="editProps" v-if="ifEditMode()">Edit Properties</ou-command-button>
    <ou-command-button icon='Down' @click="updateOperation('update')" v-if="ifEditMode()">Update Properties</ou-command-button>          
  <template slot='side'>
    <ou-command-button icon='ChromeBack' @click="exit">Exit to Library</ou-command-button>

The click event stops working for buttons which are hidden under the overflow menu.

OfficeDev/office-ui-fabric-js#26 , It's an issue from office-ui-fabric-js.