
Uninstall doesn't delete the kernel

aiguofer opened this issue · 4 comments

When I pyenv uninstall a version, the kernel file is not deleted. This is due to pyenv/pyenv-virtualenv#320. Once that's fixed, the hook that deletes the kernel file should work.

Was this fixed?

No it isn't fixed ... still deleting the environment doesn't delete the kernel

It looks like it works with pyenv uninstall VENV, but not with pyenv virtualenv-delete VENV, as there are no hooks in pyenv-virtualenv-delete

Also pyenv virtualenv-delete seems to be the correct command to call for removing a virtualenv, not pyenv uninstall.

While pyenv virtualenv-delete will remove both $(pyenv root)/versions/[VENV_NAME] and $(pyenv root)/versions/[PYTHON_VERSION]/envs/[VENV_NAME], pyenv uninstall will remove only the former, but not the latter.

Consider the following example:

> pyenv virtualenv 3.11.5 newenv
> ls $(pyenv root)/versions/3.11.5/envs/
> ls $(pyenv root)/versions/ | grep newenv
> pyenv uninstall newenv
> ls $(pyenv root)/versions/3.11.5/envs/
> ls $(pyenv root)/versions/ | grep newenv

So it's actually working with the wrong command.