
Unable to run on Google Colab

Opened this issue · 8 comments

In the Google Colab When I'm running this code
!python /content/Efficient-Live-Portrait/ -v /content/driving_video.mp4 -i /content/source.jpg -e -fp16

but it asking for error: the following arguments are required: -ref/--ref_image

--ref_image mean ?
Same as source image or first frame of the driving video where a clear face is available?

for the --ref_image image I tried with both same source image and first frame of the driving video where face is available

2024-07-22 14:53:18.480793999 [W:onnxruntime:, VerifyOutputSizes] Expected shape from model of {12800,4} does not match actual shape of {8192,4} for output 451
2024-07-22 14:53:18.481856866 [W:onnxruntime:, VerifyOutputSizes] Expected shape from model of {12800,1} does not match actual shape of {8192,1} for output 448

But in both cases, the code stopped working.

My driving video was 1:1 format and in each frame the face is available

Ref image is a single face image you want to adapt for checking face id in the source image, source image should is the multiple faces image
I’ll update new code , for you can turn on/off the face id for easy running source

Hey @aihacker111 was the code updated? I got the same error: error: the following arguments are required: -ref/--ref_image

@PiovisTeam @NeuralFalconYT I'm still work faster for update new feature for animation with multiple face motion on multiple face on images, please don't test right now

@NeuralFalconYT Demo 2 motion in 1 image


Thank you @aihacker111 :)

@NeuralFalconYT , @PiovisTeam New update is availabled, Please try it again and read more README