
trying to get esBuildDecorators or esbuildPluginTsc to work with remix using this plugin

outofthisworld opened this issue · 0 comments

I'm trying to use typeORM in a new remix project. However esbuild doesn't support emitDecoratorMeta so I'm using this plugin along with esbuildDecorators to try and get it working. For some reason however when accessing a model I'm still getting the error:

No metadata for "User" was found.

Wondering if there's anything I may be missing here.

const esbuildPluginTsc = require("esbuild-plugin-tsc");
const { esbuildDecorators } = require('@anatine/esbuild-decorators');
const { withEsbuildOverride } = require("remix-esbuild-override");

 * Define callbacks for the arguments of withEsbuildOverride.
 * @param option - Default configuration values defined by the remix compiler
 * @param isServer - True for server compilation, false for browser compilation
 * @param isDev - True during development.
 * @return {EsbuildOption} - You must return the updated option
withEsbuildOverride((option, { isServer, isDev }) => {
  // update the option
  option.plugins = [...option.plugins, esbuildDecorators({tsx:true, force:true})];

 //or option.plugins = [...option.plugins, esbuildPluginTsc()];

  return option;