
Provided Framework configuration doesn't work

Closed this issue · 7 comments

I'm using:

  • PhpStorm 9.0
  • Symfony 2.7.3

Installed successfully but it doesn't work with pstorm://open/?url=file://%f&line=%l(based on the documentation).
Changed it to pstorm://open/?url=file://%%f&line=%%l and it worked. Does the documentation need to get updated or I'm missing something?

Please explain where have you put storm://open/?url=file://%f&line=%l in the Symfony application?

I'm suspecting that for Symfony % sign is used differently and you need to escape it (by repeating it twice). I've seen people using PhpStormProtocol with Nette and no escaping was needed, so documentation is fine. Maybe the sub-section needs to be added, that for Symfony %% must be used.

I'm using it like this:

# app/config/config_dev.yml
    ide: "pstorm://open/?url=file://%%f&line=%%l"

Yeah, that makes sense. I have reached this tool from the Symfony documentation and that's why I thought that it would work for Symfony as is.


Did follow your issue about vagrant, we have something related over here because project isn't hosted on the developer's client either. We get the following exception in PHPStorm:

Cannot find file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\45.0.2454.93\var\www\project\vendor\lexik\form-filter-bundle\Lexik\Bundle\FormFilterBundle\Event\Subscriber\AbstractDoctrineSubscriber.php'

The ideal way would be so teach Symfony to replace paths in file links for PhpStorm to have proper directories in them. If that's not possible you can do some JS replace magic in hook code provided in the library.

A snippet for that in would be awesome!

My filepath (eg. /var/www/project/vendor) should be renamed to my network share (eg. P:\project\vendor).

An extra config parameter in run_editor.js to solve this would be nice.

Sure. Feel free to submit the PR. As I'm Mac user I don't a way to test the run_editor.js changes, but you can test them in real time.

👍 see #14