
Can open file in PHPStrom8

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I just updated to PHPStorm8.
The command /usr/local/bin/pstorm [file]:[line] does not really do its job. Nothing happens. Is this something you know about? Am I doing something wrong? Should I contact Jetbrains instead?

What is your OS?

If it's OSX, then you're in luck because PhpStorm have native url handler there since 8.x release. Just use phpstorm:// protocol in url.

Sorry, OSX mavericks. But I'm afraid I'm not feeling that lucky. I've tried the phpstorm:// protocol as well but it does not do any better. The IDE becomes the active window but it does not open the correct file as before in PHPStorm7

The format you should be using is phpstorm://open?file=%F&line=%L (according to PhpStorm docs: I bet you're using phpstorm://open/?url=file://%f&line=%l.

Thank you! I don't know what i messed up.. Anyhow. It is working now.
Btw. The format for PHPStorm protocol should be phpstorm://open?file=%f&line=%l (not with capital F and L)

Thanks. I've updated the to indicate that.