need to update the tutorial
TianshuDing opened this issue · 4 comments
In HOW TO RUN, the 3 step is not working. Because the ./client -h tell me there is no -bconfig, and there is no 'benchmark.json'.
Thanks for letting me know. I previously merged the benchmark config into the config.json file, but forgot to update the doc.
So, if i want to set more node in the network to test the throughput, what i need to do?
Just change the config.json file?
I have add 3 node in config(total 12 node in paxos algorithm), and run more ./server commond. But in client.XXX.log, the throughput is same as 9 node mode.
The default config file throttle throughput at 1000, to compare the latency.
"Throttle": 1000,
if you set this to 0, then client will benchmark at the highest possible throughput for the concurrency level (default to 1).
"Concurrency": 1,
For pushing the limit of throughput, you need to try and test the best Concurrency suitable for your hardware limit. (start around 20 and increase)
thank you for reply, i have already figure it out, same as u say. and i add a random latency by using TC command.
Have you considered specifying the core when starting a program on a multi-core machine, so every server have the same source.
(using the taskset command)