
automate stuffs on canvas

Primary LanguageTypeScriptOtherNOASSERTION

Canvas command line client.

A easy to use canvas command line client.


  • Synchronize canvas courses files to local directory.
  • Incremental download and.
  • Query canvas user, courses, and group information.
  • Submit assignment.
  • Upload Files to canvas user folder.


npm install -g canvas-spider

How to use

To use this client you need a yaml config file specifies your canvas token, url and some program behavior an example config file can be found on config-demo.yaml. You can also generate a config file template with canvasBot template [,-options] command. About how to generate a canvas token please read this. Make sure you don't share your token, or invalidate the token immediately once you leak the token for some reasons.



Command line autocomplete

Run the following command

canvasBot autocomplete on -s <your shell config file>

This will add a autocomplete shell script into your shell config. To remove the autocomplete feature simly remove the corresponding shell scirpt. More information on here;

Get help

Run local canvasBot [command] --help to get more help on each sub commands.

                                      _           _
                                      | |         | |
   ___ __ _ _ ____   ____ _ ___ ______| |__   ___ | |_
  / __/ _` | '_ \ \ / / _` / __|______| '_ \ / _ \| __|
 | (_| (_| | | | \ V / (_| \__ \      | |_) | (_) | |_
  \___\__,_|_| |_|\_/ \__,_|___/      |_.__/ \___/ \__|

  canvasBot template              generate yaml template
  canvasBot courses               show all courses
  canvasBot user                  show user info
  canvasBot quota                 show storage quota on canvas
  canvasBot download [yaml]       download files with given yaml config
  canvasBot autocomplete [onoff]  turn on/off autocomplete

  --help, -h     Show help                                             [boolean]
  --version, -v  Show version number                                   [boolean]

more information from https://github.com/ailrk/canvas-bot

Please don't share your token!