Add REST API demo possible with swagger
jettify opened this issue · 12 comments
Create basic REST API demo that can be used as template to bootstrap project quickly.
Here are the packages I found which do something aiohttp/rest related. Seems strange, because almost all of them are abandoned.
Nothing strange: supporting high-quality software is much more complex task than simple project creation and publishing it on PyPI.
I was thinking about simple REST project, not generalized similar too what I am doing in aiohttp_admin, but simpler important parts:
- simple, not generalized
- testing infrastructure
- validation
- error handling
- may be auth
Hey, is someone on this right now? Would like to give it a try if no)
@hzlmn as far as I know - no. Please go ahead.
If you can show intermediate results at some point - even better.
I am creating restapi with aiohttp, in the example demos used fn remember, forget and other functions and in the current_user_ctx_processor, what is it? now i don't need to use it becouse i don't connected jinja template. in my project on authoriztion (when i giv data from front-end) fn remember don't colled. please, can you give me any advice
@Ohunjon this issue was probably not the best place to ask.
For such requests I would advice gitter chat
hey @hzlmn
No pressure, but have you made any progress on this task?
@gyermolenko Hi, nope but i made some progress on #34
@hzlmn Great, tnx (asked so anyone can see current status of this ticket)
We now have
So, we should probably use that for the REST demo.