
Audit the PyPI API token in the CI/CD

webknjaz opened this issue · 4 comments

@asvetlov I noticed that this project is not managed by the bot account in the CI like others. Normally, I'd create a project-scoped token under for use in CI.

Could you confirm that:

  • the token used is scoped to just one project on PyPI (frozenlist)
  • the token belongs to a user without "Owner" privileges
  • you don't want to switch it over to be aligned with the rest of packages

What's wrong if I use a project-scoped token generated from my personal account?
Permissions are restricted to upload only anyway, isn't it?
From my understanding, the aio-libs-bot user is not required anymore after switching to token-based upload and getting rid of user/password logins.

@webknjaz don't get me wrong please.
If you want to setup generated token -- please do.
I just don't want to spend my personal time on it and I think that the current token provides the same security level.

I was thinking along the lines of having all the tokens in one place/account so it wouldn't be necessary to guess whose token is in use and which accesses to revoke or where to regenerate it if necessary.

The bot no longer has access to this project. There's no long-living API token in the repo secrets.
The project was migrated to use secretless publishing 5 months ago via #498.