
Parse enums from documentation

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We have type attribute in Chat class

So we should create an enum like this:

from aiogram.utils.enum import AutoName

from enum import auto

class ChatType(AutoName):
    PRIVATE = auto()
    GROUP = auto()
    SUPERGROUP = auto()
    CHANNEL = auto()

Enum class name should be generated from base class name and target field name capitalized: Chat + Type.
For MessageEntity.type field it should be MessageEntityType, so following the same rules.

More complex example

We have ChatMember and its subclasses that differ in status attribute

So we should create an enum like this:

from aiogram.utils.enum import AutoName

from enum import auto

class ChatMemberStatus(AutoName):
    CREATOR = auto()
    ADMINISTRATOR = auto()
    MEMBER = auto()
    RESTRICTED = auto()
    LEFT = auto()
    KICKED = auto()

Enum class name should be generated in the same way: ChatMember + Status.