
Cannot find Wiki for Milestone 2

Opened this issue · 6 comments

Hi, I cannot find any wiki to test your project. please provide me the following details.

  1. Is CI/CD working?
  2. have you deployed the project in jetstream? if so, please add my public key in the master node so i can access it
    ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDdyM55sj+WRvv2XB9LW+KTd+vTJ2YdIaSSaW89bZAiKPYcDLmP1+GJAXv0ANIfxKg+dfsEXMx7C5SItYlct5D9a6RmX1wzJVuO7cccewGOwU90gR1kCdKQpR4aM8gLoXlmrIiy1z8+lFAJgTWXUlha+qj46lb78u5/x/z/av/J8l67JyVjrOQisY+AYg1ZuAOPLWdBFh7A8yAnT5emTQ/R8vmOnwy65GH0ZuLNByPnLfCfDTxG42byKEvjAo5Jp/KKxfJfSqYtPbEDXw3NZBKXxr9NPHYN6EEU5qlfcMSye5R9HJReleNww4oSnA5xqktiNEGZ/VJIlsVWJGqYQCbn bivas-mac@Bivass-MacBook-Pro.local
  3. What is the IP Address of the master node ? Where can i test the app?
  4. What is your dockerhub repository name?
  5. Which branch in your repository should i review?

We have the ci/cd pipeline up and running but we are trying to figure out the errors on jetstream.
and your ssh-key will be added.
for future testing purposed please pull branch " dockerized_services"

Thank you. Please provide me the docker hub repository name so I can test CI, and/or the URL where you have deployed the app. I will make small change in UI and check CD

Try to clone the "dockerized_services" branch and make any small changes to the ui to see the builds on

where can i make changes in the ui without breaking functionality? please let me know of a file

Also, there is no login credentials for travis ci? How will I check the builds?

Okay I have logged in through github and checked CI. Made change in the UI and changed it back. CI is working fine. Let me know once It is deployed.