
File rename autocommands don't respect g:gitgutter_enabled.

tjakway opened this issue · 3 comments

What is the latest commit SHA in your installed vim-gitgutter?

HEAD as of today.

What vim/nvim version are you on?

Neovim: the tip of the release-0.9 branch as of today.

File rename autocommands don't respect g:gitgutter_enabled.

The relevant lines in plugin/gitgutter.vim:

autocmd BufFilePre * GitGutterBufferDisable
autocmd BufFilePost * GitGutterBufferEnable

I prefer to leave git gutter off until I explicitly turn it on. In my vimrc:

let g:gitgutter_enabled=0
nmap <F7> :GitGutterToggle<CR>

I ran across this when I added this snippet from tpope/vim-fugitive#147 (comment) to my vimrc:

function! MyFollowSymlink(...) abort
  let fname = a:0 ? a:1 : expand('%')
  if getftype(fname) != 'link'
  let resolvedfile = fnameescape(resolve(fname))
  exec 'file ' . resolvedfile
command! FollowSymlink call MyFollowSymlink()

And then called FollowSymlink while editing my vimrc and git gutter enabled itself.

Whenever a file is renamed (such as by following a symlink) the autocommand will run. This isn't obvious unless the new path is in a git directory (since you won't see anything) but overwriting the user's buffer settings is still not nice.

overwriting the user's buffer settings is still not nice

This is a bit melodramatic. It's a small bug, not a deliberate plot.

Those autocommands were added about four years ago so gitgutter would keep working across file renames via :saveas (#551). In retrospect they should be aware of whether or not the buffer was enabled.

I will fix this when I can make some time.

overwriting the user's buffer settings is still not nice

This is a bit melodramatic. It's a small bug, not a deliberate plot.

Of course. I just meant this is probably not ideal.

I've commented those lines out in my checkout, which is sufficient for me for now.

I overreacted, I'm sorry.