
key map expr needs more backslashes?

Opened this issue · 1 comments

vim: Debian VIM - Vi IMproved 9.1
vim-gitgutter: 67ef116

Seems strange I'm encountering this if nobody else is, but in the map expr lines such as nnoremap <silent> <expr> <Plug>(GitGutterNextHunk) [...] I needed to change the escape sequences such as \<CR> to \\\<CR>. Without adding extra backslashes I just get literal <CR> strings in the command buffer.

Patch attached in case HTML escaping also eats backslashes.


That's weird. Those lines haven't changed for years and I don't have any trouble with Vim 9.1 on macOS.

Not sure how to proceed...perhaps leave this here and wait to see if anyone else is affected?