
Jupyter Notebook Post (Beta)

MikolajKita opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi, thanks for open-sourcing this!

I have setup Knowledge Repo 0.9.3 with PostgresSQL database and everything works as intended, apart from uploading Jupyter Notebook from the UI (In Add Post, option: Jupyter Notebook Post (Beta) - Write a post with uploaded Jupyter Notebook), which after Save & Preview will give me an info: "The post wasn't saved! Message: undefined" and it will raise NotImplementedError in the application.

I assume this is because it's, as the error says, not implemented, but just to check:

  1. Is uploading Jupyter Notebooks working, but needs a specific setup, different than I have now?
  2. Is this work in progress/not yet implemented and my setup doesn't have any influence on it?
JJJ000 commented

For Jupyter Notebook Post (Beta), currently it only supports cloud storage type of storage (gcs/s3). For example: --repo gs://{bucket}/(path_to_files) . Please let us know if you prefer git version of file control of UI notebook management.