Support functional stateless components
geowarin opened this issue · 13 comments
Hello guys.
Thank you so much, reagent is exactly the lib I was waiting for!
I noticed that using mount()
does not work on functional stateless components.
There is a workaround: wrapping the function component with:
import React from 'react';
// Utility to wrap stateless component and allow functional stateless components
// to be tested using reagent
export var StatelessWrapper = Wrapped => class extends React.Component {
render() {
return <Wrapped {...this.props} />;
I would be nice if the lib did that automatically.
Agreed this should definitely work out of the box. Thank you for the suggested workaround... I'm a bit surprised that this doesn't "just work" and would like to do a bit more research regarding what the "right" way to get this working with reagent would be.
Do you know if shallow
works with stateless components?
Yes, it does work with shallow()
Stacktrace with mount:
TypeError: Cannot read property '_reactInternalComponent' of null
at internalInstanceOrComponent (/Users/geowarin/dev/2015/spring/new/boot-react/frontend/node_modules/reagent/build/MountedTraversal.js:135:18)
at treeFilter (/Users/geowarin/dev/2015/spring/new/boot-react/frontend/node_modules/reagent/build/MountedTraversal.js:261:40)
at ReactWrapper.<anonymous> (/Users/geowarin/dev/2015/spring/new/boot-react/frontend/node_modules/reagent/build/ReactWrapper.js:37:45)
at /Users/geowarin/dev/2015/spring/new/boot-react/frontend/node_modules/reagent/build/ReactWrapper.js:617:19
at (native)
at ReactWrapper.flatMap (/Users/geowarin/dev/2015/spring/new/boot-react/frontend/node_modules/reagent/build/ReactWrapper.js:616:30)
at findWhereUnwrapped (/Users/geowarin/dev/2015/spring/new/boot-react/frontend/node_modules/reagent/build/ReactWrapper.js:36:18)
at ReactWrapper.find (/Users/geowarin/dev/2015/spring/new/boot-react/frontend/node_modules/reagent/build/ReactWrapper.js:224:14)
at Context.<anonymous> (/Users/geowarin/dev/2015/spring/new/boot-react/frontend/test/components/MyComponent.spec.js:25:17)
@geowarin ah. That trace is very helpful, thanks. I think we can get this fixed!
Fixed in #53
I have a problem with that: using mount with a stateless component I get:
Invariant Violation: Element appears to be neither ReactComponent nor DOMNode (keys: _currentElement,_rootNodeID,_instance,_pendingElement,_pendingStateQueue,_pendingReplaceState,_pendingForceUpdate,_renderedComponent,_context,_mountOrder,_topLevelWrapper,_pendingCallbacks,_mountIndex,_mountImage,_isOwnerNecessary,_warnedAboutRefsInRender)
@gabrielenosso SFCs must return something, they can't return null
- can you share the code for your component?
I know that they can't return null, so it isn't the problem.
I will try to share some code tomorrow morning.
Thank you for your help!
It gives me the problem when I use the .text() method.
const Button = (props) => (
export default Button;
import React from 'react';
import { mount } from 'enzyme';
import { expect } from 'chai';
import Button from './Button';
describe('Button', () => {
it('should render its label', () => {
const labelValue = 'labelValue';
expect(mount(<Button label={labelValue} />).text().indexOf(labelValue) >= 0);
@gabrielenosso interesting. I'll give this a try today. This could be a bug with the way .text()
is implemented.
Thanks for your support! :)
Using 2.1.0 and looks like functionnal components dont work, or i dont use it correctly ?
export const Test = () => <div>Test</div>;
let w = mount(<Test/>);
this outputs nothing... normal ?
I am currently working on #261, and I have encountered a similar issue. Calling .text() directly on the wrapper does not work for stateless function components. I believe the issue can be traced to the use of findDOMNode. More information can be found here: facebook/react#4936.
I found this issue because I was having problems with testing stateless functions as well:
exports["default"] = Thing = function Thing() {
ReferenceError: Thing is not defined
I just wanted to follow the progress on this.