
Broken link on

nodanaonlyzuul opened this issue · 5 comments


Firstly, thanks for the hard work and sharing your style guides. link to the Google C++ style guide is broken (

The C++ guide now lives here:

I know isn't governed by this repo but that page links to this repo under the "start a convo" button. I did a bit of digging to find the repo containing the source for but couldn't find it.

Let me know if there's a more appropriate repo for this ticket and again THANKS!


I am looking to make my first open source contribution. Is this a good issue to take on?
If not, feel free to point me other issues that might be good for someone that's new to open source.

@aamarill sure, that'd be great, thanks

@ljharb can you please let me know where the repo for is? I couldn't find it, I also read the "" and couldn't find anything on the repo. Thanks!

ah, turns out this was already fixed in #105, but hasn't been updated in the private repo for

I'll pursue this internally.

Hi @ljharb !

I'm going to close this ticket if the repo that governs that static site is private and trust you to open up a ticket in that repo. Thanks to you and @aamarill for looking into this ticket.