
Could you clarify why there is many disabled cops?

smennesson opened this issue · 1 comments


first of all thank you to share this project.

I'd like to use the rubocop-airbnb gem in my projects but I'm wondering why there is many Rubocop cops disabled by default.

When I'm looking in the rubocop-airbnb/config folder, I can find 288 disabled cops.

For some of these cops, the disabling reason is documented. But for some others (a majority I guess), this is not the case.

Here are some examples of disabled cops for which I can't find the disabling reason:

  • Metrics/MethodLength
  • Metrics/PerceivedComplexity
  • Naming/ConstantName
  • Naming/MethodName
  • Bundler/OrderedGems

Will all these disabled cops, I'm feeling like loosing some checks that are done by Rubocop by default.

Kind regards,

Hi Stéphane,

I'm sorry to take so long to answer this. Rubocop has hundreds of cops that are available to choose from. It's up to a team's judgment to decide which ones they think should be used. I don't know the full history of why some have a rationale given and some don't. If you want to, you can still use this gem but supplement it by enabling or disabling additional cops.