
Add celery integration

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Send exceptions that happen in celery tasks to airbrake

@vmihailenco Since i wanna use Celery integration, I tried the most recent version (master branch 97d65b4) of pybrake.
Then, i got the following error logs.

2019-09-03 05:35:33,324 pybrake ERROR - at least one group is required

It seems to be a error message sent by Airbrake server side.

Of cource, I know it's a result by using not-yet released version. But I'm glad if you can fix this problem. thank you!

@tearoom6 should be fixed in master branch.

@vmihailenco No error log is shown in latest master branch. Thank for quick fix!

Appears this is fixed. Please let us know otherwise.