Add GDALInvGeoTransform
Closed this issue · 1 comments
dzfranklin commented
I'm very new to gdal. I want to lookup a wgs84 coordinate in a dataset already in the wgs84 projection. Based on reading the source of gdallocationinfo I think I need to invert the geotransform matrix.
Did I miss a better way to do this?
I couldn't find that function in godal. It's just some straightforward math so I think it makes sense to port it to go. Here's my first draft (not fully tested).
This isn't the most idiomatic api but since Dataset.GeoTransform returns a [6]float64 I don't think it can be a method.
InvGeoTransform inverts a Geotransform.
This function will invert a standard 3x2 set of GeoTransform coefficients.
This converts the equation from being pixel to geo to being geo to pixel.
- gt_in: Input geotransform (six doubles - unaltered)
- gt_out: Output geotransform (six doubles - updated)
Panics if the equation is uninvertable.
func InvGeoTransform(input [6]float64) [6]float64 {
// Ported from GDALInvGeoTransform
out := [6]float64{}
// Special case - no rotation - to avoid computing determinate
// and potential precision issues.
if input[2] == 0.0 && input[4] == 0.0 && input[1] != 0.0 &&
input[5] != 0.0 {
/*X = input[0] + x * input[1]
Y = input[3] + y * input[5]
x = -input[0] / input[1] + (1 / input[1]) * X
y = -input[3] / input[5] + (1 / input[5]) * Y
out[0] = -input[0] / input[1]
out[1] = 1.0 / input[1]
out[2] = 0.0
out[3] = -input[3] / input[5]
out[4] = 0.0
out[5] = 1.0 / input[5]
return out
// Assume a 3rd row that is [1 0 0].
// Compute determinate.
det := input[1]*input[5] - input[2]*input[4]
magnitude := max(max(math.Abs(input[1]), math.Abs(input[2])),
max(math.Abs(input[4]), math.Abs(input[5])))
if math.Abs(det) <= 1e-10*magnitude*magnitude {
panic("equation is uninvertable")
invDet := 1.0 / det
// Compute adjoint, and divide by determinate.
out[1] = input[5] * invDet
out[4] = -input[4] * invDet
out[2] = -input[2] * invDet
out[5] = input[1] * invDet
out[0] = (input[2]*input[3] - input[0]*input[5]) * invDet
out[3] = (-input[1]*input[3] + input[0]*input[4]) * invDet
return out
tbonfort commented
GDAL probably already an API invert a geotransform, and exposing that function in godal would be the way forward (as godal is a gdal wrapper, not a gdal reimplementation in go)