
VenvExecutor fails to install a connector package if it has the wrong executable name

natikgadzhi opened this issue · 0 comments


In airbytehq/airbyte#40693, we've been fixing source-braintree, and mistakenly set it's script name wrong:

source-braintree = ""

When pyairbyte tried to validate, it rightfully noticed that source-braintree is not a valid executable in the venv, and attempted reinstalling, but:

Successfully built source-braintree


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Creating source and validating spec is returned successfully...
Connector executable not found within the virtual environment at 
Installing 'source-braintree' into virtual environment 
Running 'pip install airbyte-{connector_name}'...

So what happens here is that self.pip_url of the executor silently becomes connector_name. I see it defaults to, but don't see the problem deeper. A nice puzzle if someone wants to tinker ;)