
Shopping Cart Analysis Stack

Closed this issue · 12 comments

Analyzing Shopping Cart Abandonment with E-commerce Data.

Extract shopping cart data from e-commerce platforms using Airbyte and dbt, analyze user behavior, and devise strategies to reduce cart abandonment rates.

How to get started:

Hello @ThaliaBarrera I'd like to work on this.

Hi @NARUDESIGNS! Sure, I have assigned it to you.

Ok, thank you! @ThaliaBarrera
I'll reach out if I have any questions :)

Hi @NARUDESIGNS, this message is just to remind you that according to the Hackathon rules you have 5 days to submit progress on the issue. I’ll give you a couple more days to submit a PR, otherwise I’ll have to mark the issue as “To be Claimed” or reassign it.

Thank you for understanding! Let me know if you have any questions.

Hello @ThaliaBarrera thanks for the reminder, I didn't know that.
I sincerely appreciate the time extension.

Thank you!

Hi @NARUDESIGNS! Do you think you’ll be able to complete this quickstart? Let me know if you have questions.

Hello @ThaliaBarrera thank you very much for your patience. I admit I will not be able to complete this task at this time due to my knowledge gap.
Please feel free to reassign this issue to someone else and hopefully in future, I can come back to try a new issue.

Hello @ThaliaBarrera I'd like to work on this.
Also may I know where should I be submitting the code .

Hi @bryanspacex! I have assigned it to you. You can check the instructions for submitting a PR in the README of this repo. Let me know if you have any other questions.

Ok thnx, will check it out

I am unassigning this as there has been no progress in the last 5 days. This is now open!

assign it to me plz :)