
Error Resolution Optimization Stack

Closed this issue · 10 comments

Optimizing Error Resolution Processes with Sentry Insights.

Extract and analyze error data from Sentry using Airbyte and dbt to optimize error resolution processes, reduce downtime, and improve user experience.

How to get started:

I would like to work on this, can you assign this to me?

Hi @raibove. Sure, I have assigned it to you!

Hi @raibove, this message is just to remind you that according to the Hackathon rules you have 5 days to submit progress on the issue. I’ll give you a couple more days to submit a PR, otherwise I’ll have to mark the issue as “To be Claimed” or reassign it.

Thank you for understanding! Let me know if you have any questions.

Hello @ThaliaBarrera , You can mark this issue as 'to be Claimed'. I tried going through Airbyte docs to understand how to complete this issue but I wasn't able to even start working on this.


i would like to work on this quickstart. Please assign this to me

Hi @mit-27! Sure, I have assigned it to you.

Hi @mit-27, are you still working on this? 🙂

Yes. it is almost done and I will submit the PR today.

I have created Pull #77. Let me know if any changes are required.

Thanks @mit-27! I will be checking your PR asap