
Weather Data Stack

Closed this issue ยท 13 comments

Extract recent weather data from open APIs (Weatherstack), load it into a data warehouse using Airbyte, and analyze weather patterns or predictions.

How to get started:


I would want to work on this issue.

Kind regards.

Hi @ThaliaBarrera i would like to work on this

Hi @KimuchuJr! I have assigned it to you.

I am unassigning this as there has been no progress in the last 5 days. This is now open!

Hey Thalia,
Please assign it to me!

assign it to me sir

Hi @Ronlin1! Sure, I have assigned it to you.

@mederhoo-script, please check other quickstarts and let me know if you'd like to contribute to any of those :).

@ThaliaBarrera but i asked it before right ? but its fine ....

So sorry @satti-hari-krishna-reddy I missed your message. We have so many issues and messages and I can get lost, sorry. Please let me know if you'd like to take any other issue and I'll assign it to you.

Also, if you're interested in a stack with a particular source/destination, let me know and I can create an issue for that.

Hii, I would like to work on this issue. Please assign it to me.


Hey @ThaliaBarrera no worries at all! I completely understand how things can get hectic. It's totally okay, and I appreciate your response. Unfortunately, I'm currently swamped with work and won't be able to take on this issue at the moment.

I am finalising this issue today!

Thanks @Ronlin1. I look forward to reviewing your submission