
Support for other drivers for MySQL database

turuncuofke opened this issue · 0 comments



I am currently using airflow version "2.7.0-python3.11" with the chart version "8.8.0" and I am using an external MySQL database. I am getting "WARNING: MYSQL_OPT_RECONNECT is deprecated and will be removed in a future version." logs from my airflow cluster.

After some research, I realized that these warning logs are coming because of the database driver I use. When I wanted to change the driver I use for database connection to "mysql-connector-python" from "mysqlclient" I had some problems with changing the database connection string since it is given as DATABASE_SQLALCHEMY_CMD: {{ `echo -n "mysql+mysqldb://$(eval $DATABASE_USER_CMD):$(eval $DATABASE_PASSWORD_CMD)@${DATABASE_HOST}:${DATABASE_PORT}/${DATABASE_DB}${DATABASE_PROPERTIES}"` | b64enc | quote }}
with hardcoded database driver in the "secret-configs-env-yaml" file in the chart.

As a workaround, I overrode this "DATABASE_SQLALCHEMY_CMD" env variable using airflow.extraEnv in the values.yaml as:
Screenshot 2023-10-23 at 11 15 21
Since it is available in Airflow 2.7.0

Could this driver parameter in database connection string also be a variable which can be set in the values.yaml?


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  • I am able to submit a PR!
  • I can help test the feature!