
Hardware requirements?

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Hi, thanks for your awesome paper and codes.
Recently I'm preparing to follow your work and I'm wondering what hardware it requires and how long it will cost while training?

Emmmm, I have not tested the minimal requirement of computational resource but I believe that GTX 1080 would be enough.

How about the training time?

Speaker and Agent finishes in around 6 hours. Agent + Speaker + EnvDrop converges slowly, which takes around 1 day to converge.

Thank you very much :)

I train Speaker and Agent on two RTX 2080Ti in parallel and it takes 1 day for 80000 iterations. The GPU usage is about 30~40 since sampling data in RL takes time. Half of my CPUs are idle and half of memory are free during training.

I come to ask if you know how to promote training efficiency and what is your suggestion?

Yep, I am aware that the GPUs are not fully utilized. But I am sorry that I do not know the answer.

Previously, the speed bottleneck is CPU-GPU data transfer (it's quite slow on pageable memory) and I optimize it a lot. So I am not sure whether CPU-based sampling would speed it up.