
Feature extraction demo (with attributes) not working ... ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 3, got 2)

ig-perez opened this issue · 2 comments


Thanks for sharing your job. I'm interested in using this approach to extract features with attributes. I have installed Detectron's 2 v0.1.1 (around March 2020), PyTorch1.4 and I'm using faster_rcnn_R_101_C4_attr_caffemaxpool.yaml configuration file with but I got above error when trying to run the demo.

I don't understand why predictor.model.roi_heads.box_predictor(feature_pooled) is returning a tuple of 2 tensors. It seems the pred_attr_logits are not returned.

Sorry if I'm missing some basic point. I'm new on the Computer Vision domain.

If interested please see related Colab Notebook here


Hi, have you solved it? I encountered the same question