
display stays black

wjcarpenter opened this issue · 2 comments

I tried using exactly the sample YAML file, verbatim except for:

  • changing to a font file that I already had in my environment
  • removing references to the axp192 (different problem :-( )

So far, I can get nothing to appear on the screen. I even simplified the display lambda down to just a constant string, but still nothing. Logging and blinky lights show that button presses are working as expected. I am using the latest esphome (1.14.5).

Is it possible that something has changed in esphome in the last couple of months to throw a wrench into this?
My m5stick-c is recently purchased. Could there be a hardware change that causes the problem? (The demo program that came on the m5stick-c worked fine until I flashed over it.)

I'm just starting to troubleshoot this, so I'm wondering if someone has hit this already and knows the simple answer.

Do I need to be using the dev or beta branch of esphome, or is the released version OK?


It was the removing of the axp192 references that seems to have been behind the screen not waking up properly. The reason I removed that (and, in fact, all of the sensor: block) was because esphome was complaining about a YAML problem that I couldn't isolate except by doing that.

Today, I started over with a fresh git clone of the repo, using an exact copy of the sample YAML. After I changed the three lines to use a font I already had locally, it worked without further problems. I'll probably never figure out what I did subtly wrong the first time around.

Sorry for any inconvenience if anyone was thinking about what the problem might have been!