
📖 Hoppscotch documentation (work in progress) - https://docs.hoppscotch.io

Primary LanguageVueMIT LicenseMIT






Install dependencies:

npm run install


npm run dev

Static Generation

This will create the dist/ directory for publishing to static hosting:

npm run generate

To preview the static generated app, run npm run start

Contributors Guide

We are looking for translators to help us with translations of Docs. docs.hoppscotch is built with nuxt-content. For detailed explanation on how things work, checkout nuxt/content and @nuxt/content theme docs.


  1. Follow the Setup Guide

  2. To add your language to the dropdown menu, go to nuxt.config.js, add code,iso,file and name of the language.

            code: 'fr',
            iso: 'fr-FR',
            file: 'fr-FR.js',
            name: 'Français'
  3. To add translated content, navigate to \content, add a folder with language code as the name and add .md files.

       |- en
       |  |- article.md
       |- fr
           |-article.md <----translated
  4. Make sure that the file names for translated content are the same as that of the english document.

  5. Add screenshots to \static\Resources\<your lang>\ or re-use screenshots of the english version.