
Code for the Vue+Flask session I took at SDS October meetup

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Use Vue with your favorite framework

This is a demonstration of using Vue.js with Flask, a Python microframework. Vue provides convenient hot-reload server which is a huge increase in productivity, but may not play nicely with your favorite framework.


sudo apt install python3-pip
pip3 install flask

sudo apt install nodejs npm
sudo npm install -g vue-cli

Install Vue.js devtools extension in your browser.

Exploring the app

FLASK_APP=app.py FLASK_DEBUG=1 flask run

Then open the browser and visit:

Start a new Vue project

Vue CLI provides an interactive CLI which sets up a project as per your preferences and then instructions to run it.

I preferred to select no for all options.

vue init webpack myapp
cd myapp
npm install
npm run dev

This will open a new browser tab in http://localhost:8080/. The contents are from myapp/src/compoenents/HelloWorld.vue.

You may explore the hot reloading and interacting with the app state.

Set Vue to play nicely with Flask

Implement vuejs-templates/webpack#546 (comment)

Also autoOpenBrowser: false in config/index.js

Now Flask can serve Vue apps.

I've included HelloWorld.vue for as an example in interacting with the API.

To build assets for production, run the build_assets in myapp. It will copy files over to static/assets. Flask picks up actual filenames using the assets() function. That function is cached for saving time.