generator.exe fail to generate proper file
anon510 opened this issue · 5 comments
Hi. I'm running this on windows, docker way.
I'm trying to calculate the rock physical properties using generator4.exe inside the Generator_Linux file. I can open it and run it just fine. But After I've put all the parameters needed, the file output, which are LITMOD_TABLE and LITMOD both are just empty files. Why is this happening?
Is TABLE_LITMOD_use also empty?
Also could you please also share the screenshot of the run.
You should be running ./Generator_LINUX.
Thanks for your responce. It turns out that there are some files from the original folder that are missing (i accidentally deleted it). I re-downloaded the file and it can generate the LITMOD_TABLE file with the values.
However, I noticed that the LITMOD_TABLE files generated will have identical values (I double check it in R) although I use different input parameters (e.g Aver. Archon Gnt. SCLM vs archon pristine estimate etc). why is this the case? I attached the files generated (test1, test2) and the screecshot from he run
Again, you should run Generator_Linux not generator4.exe.
Please read the readme file in the Generator_Linux folder.
The compiled fortran codes are based on this version of gcc. Please update your gcc version,