
zsh autocomplete is not working

Opened this issue · 3 comments

I can't tell if this is an exact repeat or if it is slightly different.

zoxide 0.9.4
zsh 5.9 ~Using zinit
Arch Linux

I have checked through the init script and it appears to failing in calling the binding on line 92. I tested by manually binding the widget __zoxide_z_complete_helper to the home key, then if I setup when a completion should happen clear it and press my binding, it runs properly. So I am presuming the way printf works has changed in some way such that printing a keycode doesn't activate the key.

same issue here

macOS Sonoma 14.2.1 23C71 arm64
zoxide 0.9.4
zsh 5.9 (x86_64-apple-darwin23.0)
zinit v3.13.1-4-g6511ca7f (darwin23.0_arm64)

Edit: I'm an idiot - I had "tidied" up my configs and removed autoload -Uz compinit && compinit from my .zshrc.

After restoring that at the top of my .zshrc completions work as expected.

@AethanFoot can you post your fix that restored the functionality? And is it possible to bind it to the tab key?
Thanks in advance