
Interactive completions does not work

dbarati-bf opened this issue · 3 comments

z foo<SPACE><TAB> and z foo have exactly the same functions in my environment, which is cd into highest ranked directory matching foo. I expected z foo<SPACE><TAB> to show interactive completions as per the documentation. What am I doing wrong here?

fzf 0.47.0
zoxide 0.9.4

And I'm on zsh on MacOS 14.1.1.

.zshrc is sourced with

[ -f ~/.fzf.zsh ] && source ~/.fzf.zsh
eval "$(zoxide init zsh)"

Do you have any directories in your database yet? If it matches a single path, it will go that one

This used to work for me, but stopped working. I do have directories in my database.