
zoxide: no match found on startup

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I'm using a wsl ubuntu on a windows machine. when i first start up my wsl, the cd command doesn't seem to work?

In my .bashrc:

# z to jump around directories
export _ZO_ECHO=1
eval "$(zoxide init --cmd cd bash)"

Weirdly it works after i either source the bashrc again, when i run eval "$(zoxide init bash --cmd cd)" manually, or when i remove the --cmd cd. Why is this the case?

the cd command doesn't seem to work?

Can you elaborate?

P.S. you need cd to a directory the usual way at least once, so that zoxide can learn which directories you use.

This video might help: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aghxkpyRVDY

I am so sorry for the late reply..
I'm new to github and didn't know how to check notifications...

I did use cd at least once, my understanding is that using $(zoxide init bash --cmd cd) aliases the z command with cd

but if I use this setup i can no longer use cd nor z?

as you can see, if i set this --cmd cd, on startup of the wsl I cannot use cd anymore

but if i source the .bashrc file manually

cd (or z's replacement for cd) now works as expected.

the unknown option: --bash is probably from some other line in the .bashrc file I think

Something is definitely wrong with your bashrc configuration. If you can share it here, I can take a look.

Thank you so much QAQ

I believe the ~/.bash_aliases file is empty so that shouldn't be the problem

  1. The same .bashrc file works for me (WSL + zoxide v0.9.4). Are you running a different version of zoxide?
zoxide -V
  1. Are you able to find the line that's causing the --bash error? You can find it by using set -x right at the top of your bashrc file (enables debugging).
  2. What is the output of type cd?

with the --cmd cd option i could no longer use cd so i ctrl c out of it

here's the type cd and zoxide -V outputs

after i source bashrc it works now

I tried the set -x option and it gives me a lot of outputs but i dont really know how to interpret this output

You have 2 versions of zoxide installed on your system. I'm guessing you first installed it using sudo apt install zoxide, and then ran the install script from the README after that.

To fix this:

sudo apt remove zoxide

In your .bashrc:

export PATH="$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH"
eval "$(zoxide init bash --cmd cd)"

That solved the issue. My god you are a genius!